Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Financial Planning -5

I. Retirement Starts Early if You Desire to Retire With Money

Perhaps it is looking toward the future in terms of insurance, planning for college and other issues such as this also gets your mind moving on how you will be ready when retirement gets here.

But if we were able to step back above our lives, the best time to start preparing for retirement is not the middle age years. Retirement planning experts tell us that if young people in their twenties or even teens can start putting a little bit back toward retirement, the rewards when they reach their golden years will be phenomenal. If a youth in his early twenties or teens were to just put one percent of what they make back, and that money stayed in some form of investment vehicle that would grow into a retirement account, the growth between the time of investment and retirement at 60 or 65 can be explosive even at a modest interest rate.

Unfortunately, few young people are looking that far ahead when they are in their early adult lives. That is a time when the transition from teen years to family life is pretty all consuming. So it might be the responsibility of parents and older advisors to help youth see the value of starting to work on their retirement savings well in advance so they have a well developed program when their retirement years come along.

One of the best places for a young person to start their retirement program is with the 401k or retirement benefits at their job. Now, in the last decade, many businesses have eliminated retirement benefits where the company pays for the retirement. But if the young person works for a company that offers 401K, they can set aside a percentage of their income and it will be put into a retirement fund before taxes. Moreover, often the company will match the funds up to dollar for dollar and the company will manage the investment of the funds as well.

The outcome is a healthy and rapidly growing fund that starts out with an immediate doubling of the invested funds and then grows steadily over the years as more is put into the fund with each paycheck. The young worker gets used to the retirement money coming out so they adjust their budget to live without it. And without giving retirement much more thought than that, within a few decades, the 401K can evolve into a very impressive retirement account to be sure.

If you are a young person and you are considering if you might think about starting a retirement account, congratulations. You are one of just a few people who have the foresight to think about retirement this early in life. And by starting now, you take advantage of the thing that is your greatest asset is time. Because if you only put a little bit back, that can grow and grow and grow and become a sizeable retirement nest egg for you and your spouse even if he or she is the spouse off in your future.

II.What is a Managed Future?

Unlike what it sounds, a managed future is not about a college choice or a personal growth plan. On the world of investment and finance, a managed future is a type of investment choice. Unfortunately, many individuals without a finance background may not understand exactly what this is, so let us take a look at what this choice could mean to you.

Q: What is a Future?
A: A future is basically an agreement between the investor (or buyer) to buy something at a set price sometime in the future.

Q: Is this something new?
A: No. Futures have existed for more than 30 years, but are sometimes considered an alternative investment due to their lack of popularity among the general population.

Q: What is a hedge fund?
A: To understand this, you have to understand there are two main players in the futures market. There is a Speculator and there is a Hedger. The Hedger will enter a contract to purchase or sell an item to guard against price risk. A great example of a Hedger is a farmer who will enter into a contract to purchase seed today, but not for shipment in 6 months. The reason for purchasing seed today is that the farmer believes the future price of seed will increase in the upcoming months.

The speculator is someone who is not intending to minimize risk, but instead wants to profit from the increase in price. The speculator is not someone who intends to take physical possession of the commodity, but is in the market only to make money.

A hedge fund therefore is a fund designed to engage in short selling.

Q: OK - what does short selling mean?
A: There are two ways to buy and sell - either LONG or SHORT. Short buying or selling is focused on commodities that may be over-valued now. For example, the hedger farmer is going to secure a contract to sell his corn at today's prices because he thinks that corn prices are going to drop in the future.

Buying or selling long is focused upon commodities that may be under-valued now. A speculator may purchase gold contracts today because he believes that gold prices will increase in the future and will sell at the higher price.

Q: What is a managed fund?
A: A managed fund is one that has a professional full-time administrator of the fund who is responsible for purchasing and selling futures in order to make money. Many managed funds are rather secretive and the strategies used by the administrator can vary as widely as their own personality.

Q: Are they a safe investment?
A: The answer is yes and no. It really depends upon the strategy, knowledge and experience of the administrator.

In conclusion, a managed future fund is the perfect way to introduce diversification to your portfolio. But it is also an investment choice that requires some understanding and trust in the fund purpose and the administrator of the fund. If you are interested in this type of fund, take an afternoon and do a little research to find the one that best meets your needs.

Business-Traffic Generation -4

1. Advertising Online – Popular Trend in Modern Advertising

Online advertising is the most popular trend these days among all business owners. Specifically for new age entrepreneurs, online advertising is the latest buzzword and they use this effective advertising tool to promote their services and products. Online advertising surpasses all the conventional tools of advertising in matter of cost effectiveness and generating leads for a particular service or product.

One can find several ways to promote their business over internet. These are cost effective as well as far more reachable to potential customers than the traditional modes of advertising. Nowadays one can also find several service providers that offer free advertising services to interested customers. Internet marketing, email newsletters, bulk mailing to targeted set of customers are some more practiced advertising options for a specific product, services of business.

Nowadays marketing and advertising sector has become aggressive like it was never before. One has to play all his trumps safely. Because, people don't have to promote his business, products or services but also it has to be done instantly. One always have the pressure to keep themselves far above than their business rivals or counterparts. So, to lead the way people choose internet to get benefits of all possible aspects of internet marketing and advertising.

Online advertising services are also getting popularity. There are uncountable websites offering online advertising services through banner ads, online billboards and pop up windows. These are some of the best ways of guiding traffic to your website. If you are a business owner, and you are willing to promote your name in front of your potential customers, then these powerful online advertising tools can result a great change in the ways of doing business.

Always remember, that the traffic on your website as well as your revenue earned from website is equally proportional. So, if you are able to drive traffic towards your own website, then no doubt you will get the things in your favor very soon.

There are other ways of getting traffics too for your websites. That includes affiliate marketing, online business social networking, and product promotions on different websites. All these strategies if used properly generate enough traffic to your website.

2.Generating Online Website Traffic

The Truth About Generating Online Website Traffic

It is easy to build a website these days, with many of the free blogger networks offering everything from ready-made templates to HTML tutorials. It is that easy, but generating traffic to your website, well that's another matter. With almost anyone propping up a website or two, getting the right amount of attention will take some effort on your part. It is, in a way, similar to a bookshop seeking customers. With many new 'bestsellers' vying for shelf-space, the only way these books get picked up is as a result of 'getting the word out'. That phrase is the key to generating a healthy dose of internet traffic to your website. The major handicap that most internet marketers face is a lack of internet traffic, mainly because they failed to get the word out.

So let's say that you have managed to get the website up and running, now the only thing left for you to do is to go on a marketing binge. Getting visitors to your website is the objective, that's a given. So with that in mind, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you achieve your objective.

You can start by incorporating a feed on your website, try 'feedburner' ( a google tool that allows blog owners and podcasters the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers), as that seems to be the popular choice and it is free to use - which is an additional incentive. The point is that any time you add fresh content to your site, it gets converted into a 'feed', making it possible for many feed subscribers to access it immediately. The whole idea behind the 'feeds' is that it makes content available to multiple internet users and provides content in real time, allowing you to garner some valuable traffic in the process. Now feeds are just a small step in the right direction. You will need to make sure that your site url is posted to the various search engines out there thereby increasing your site's reach.

But the above method is utilized by nearly every webmaster and may not get you the huge increase in traffic that you are looking for. So here are a few additional strategies.

You can visit other websites; provide comments to blogs resulting in valuable one way links. You can utilize some of the paid traffic sites to increase your traffic. Though webmasters do use the paid traffic option as a marketing tool, it works only if the traffic provided is real and not one delivered by 'web robots' (used for web-spidering at a much higher speed than humanly possible). It's essential that you check out the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page of the 'paid traffic' site to see if the site in question provides this source of traffic. If they do not, then you can be sure that the traffic delivered by such sites is not that beneficial.

Article marketing, now that's a method that works seamlessly. The traffic generated by way of posting articles to some of the major article directories is so effective that webmasters have started using it for affiliate marketing, another cool way to make money as long as you are able to generate the traffic. But here is the catch, you need to be able to write well, for it is only a good article that will generate traffic. In addition to the directories, you can try your hand with some of the classified sites such as google and ebay OR utilize the benefits of google ad sense.

There is no doubt that marketing online will take a little effort on your part and it will be sometime before you can see some meaningful results. However at the end of the day, having worked through some of the approaches listed above, you should be able to generate a healthy dose of internet traffic to your site.

Business careers -3

1. Play BIG, Not Small, To Get That Dream Career

"A musician must make music; an artist must paint; a poet must write, if he be at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be." Abraham Maslow

Many people play too small in their careers.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that, in terms of a career, they think of themselves as 'just doing their job.'
I've worked with thousands of people in career transition and that comment is the one I heard most often - from the accomplished executive to the skilled metal worker in a stamping plant.

Just doing your job???

Any day of the week, unless you are warming a chair and nothing else, you are contributing to a company's or organization's success. And unless you identify and name all those accomplishments, you may not develop the self-esteem and confidence you need to reach for that meaningful work you've always wanted. You have to know your value!

How can you begin to acknowledge your work value?

The first step is to look at your accomplishments.

Accomplishments are NOT the same as job descriptions. Job descriptions are only statements of tasks that need to be done. Accomplishments name the value-add you bring to your work purpose.

Here are some questions that will help you begin to identify your accomplishments:

1 - In what ways have I improved this job since I have had it?
2 - What processes, procedures or tasks did I initiate that have made things better?
3 - What suggestions have I made that have added to saving money, making money or making processes smoother?
4 - What projects have I volunteered for?
5 - How have I made my boss' work easier?
6 - How have I assisted my colleagues?
7 - How have I expanded my work load since I undertook this job? What new tasks and responsibilities have I undertaken?
8 - What additional assignments was I given?
9 - If I left this job tomorrow, what legacy would my colleagues say I left?
10 - What qualities do my co-workers regularly say I have?

There are many more questions that you could ask yourself to tease out those all-important accomplishments, but those are a start.

There are two more steps to take to fully own those accomplishments.

Starting from your initial list of accomplishments, do this: write down the talents and qualities you exhibited in EACH accomplishment. If you streamlined the purchasing process for office products, your talents might be: Organization; Detail-orientation, Systems-thinking, etc. Your qualities might be: Initiative; Cost-savings orientation; Efficiency and so forth.

Once you have a list of talents and qualities, you'll notice something interesting.

Many talents and qualities will repeat themselves in the accomplishments. This becomes your KEY TALENT and QUALITIES list. In other words, these attributes are what you bring to the table.

You can now claim them as your unique Value-Add.

And you MUST know your value in order to feel confident about the kind of contribution you wish to make in your career. BUT, if you hide your light by not claiming what you do well, by not letting people know about you, you may be missing the very opportunity that may lead to you being considered for that great position.

In my experience, most people don't suffer from too much self-aggrandizement; they suffer from too little self-acceptance and recognition of the fullness and reality of what they have to offer and what they have accomplished. In other words, they play too small, not too big.

So, if you are not used to owning your talent and level of contribution, you may never have the self-confidence it takes to move forward boldly in the direction of a meaningful career, whether in the context of something you are doing right now, or by creating something you've always wanted to create in order to experience your life purpose and work purpose being one.

There are many problems to be solved in the world. That's the opportunity. And if you have the interest, the passion AND the talent and qualities needed to solve those problems, why don't you?

By identifying and owning what you bring to the party, and how those gifts can address the needs you see, you will have taken a giant step forward in moving toward that Dream Career.

So don't play small. Don't pretend you're less than you are.

Stand up. Let your light shine. You'll be amazed at how easily your dream career, along with profound career satisfaction, will enter your life.

As the quotation above says, "Be what you must be." And I would add, be it fully.

2.Sales and Marketing Jobs: The Fastest Path to Corporate Success

The founder and CEO of a successful group of companies believe that the key rule in sales and marketing success is education. That is why you go through the long years in school, work your hardest to earn your sales and marketing degree and prepare yourself to head out to the competitive sales and marketing "real" world.

Many people have the impression that sales and marketing are one and the same. While the there is a direct, significant correlation between the two, they are also significantly different. Marketing is about reaching and persuading prospective customers to avail of your products and services. Sales, on the other hand, is the process of sealing the deal through a signed contract or an availed product or service. Without marketing, you would not have prospective customers what it is you are selling. Yet, without sales, your daily closing income would be depressing. To put it simply, marketing only matters if it is, at the end of the day, converted into sales. There is a continuous cycle between marketing and sales, and you must be able to understand it in order to be successful in the field.

It is but natural for new graduates to want to land a job that would hasten their way up to success. Many of them believe it is the graduate marketing and sales job they are aspiring for that could bring them to that desired disposition. Graduate jobs in sales and marketing are the fastest path for college graduates to corporate success. The reason for this is simply because both sales and marketing jobs are people-orientated.

Marketing plans are important to a business' success. The weight of this responsibility is typically carried on the shoulders of college graduates who occupy marketing positions. Most fresh graduates start out as marketing agents in various firms. But because the job responsibilities challenge you to produce results, which come in the form of sales, you are trained and continue to develop the skills necessary for you to understand your customers and prospects. Those skill will keep the company moving in the direction that would meet the needs of your target market.

On the sales front, you should learn how to treat every customer like royalty. Relieve the customer of any obstacle in order to make things easier for him or her. Remember that a single obstacle might cause him or her doing business with you. Because of today's highly competitive markets, it is very difficult to acquire and retain loyal customers. You have to keep giving them what they want and, at the same time, do so in the most pleasing and professional manner. Sales professionals continuously learn how to read their customers in order to provide better service. They develop some kind of passion for winning their customers and understand how they think and why they buy.

It is important to note, however, how imperative it is for sales and marketing professionals to allow their target clientèle to take the lead. Instead of offering new products and services that are not necessary to the prospects and customers, they should offer instead things that will provide genuine solutions. Knowing your target market needs will get you a long, long way.

Those who are able to come up with intelligent marketing strategies as well as those who are able to significantly raise the company's closing rate will definitely be recognized. This success does not come without the individual's constant willingness to learn new things and continuously develop the skills they already possess. Those attributes are the things that companies are looking for in every employee. Having those capabilities will definitely get you recognized and promoted in the long run.

Many people believe that the motivation that drives sales and marketing individuals has to do with the commissions companies usually offer when reaching a specific quota. While this is partly true, the more significant motivation has to do with the fact that these individuals are simply dealing and committing to other people. As already stated above, sales and marketing is all about people. Sales and marketing jobs require the individual to deal with people everyday. With the training that you gained from school and the company you work for, the skills you learn everyday and the passion you develop for your job, is what makes a real difference to your clients and to your overall success.

Being successful in sales and marketing may come relatively faster than other careers, but it still requires time and practice. If you commit yourself, keep an open mind, learn from your mistakes and be patient, your success will follow shortly.

Love Articles 4u -2

Advice For Women

Every woman desires a man with whom she will live in love and bliss forever. For winning over the heart of their dream man, women need to know about what men expect from the relationship
. Women also have to be more careful in dating and selecting their partner. This section gives clues and hints about how to win in the game of relationships, how to find out if he is Mr.Right and how to live with a man in harmony after marriage.

1.Establishing Boundaries In Relationships - Part 1

A boundary is different from an agreement. You don’t need the other person to agree to your boundaries. They don’t even have to know what your boundaries are, unless they are crossed. Your boundary is something, that you know, if that line is crossed, you will address the matter immediately so that it is remedied, and if it is not resolved to your satisfaction, you will act by removing yourself from the situation so that you are not subjected to it again.

An example:

Say there is a woman named Marjorie, who has often been lied to in past relationships. They were big lies. It gives her great pain, remembering this. She knows that lies are not something she can tolerate in relationships. She hates the feeling of distrust, and the betrayal that lies cause in the relationship.

She enters a new relationship. They are in love. One day though, he says a small lie because he’s afraid that if he tells the truth it will hurt her. This is common — the well-intentioned lie. But she finds out and she is very hurt and upset, and she doubts now that she can trust other things he says, and she doesn’t like that feeling. This is not what she wants in a relationship. She wants absolute mutual trust.

But fortunately, she decided ahead of time what she would do if someone lied to her again. She decided that if she was told any big lie, such as her partner was covering up an affair, or drinking and hiding it, or being dishonest with money… that she would end the relationship immediately, with no negotiation. That is her signal to leave now, before it gets worse.

In the second part of this article we will discuss more about boundaries in a relationship.

2.Establishing Boundaries In Relationships - Part 2

In the first part of this article we explored the boundaries we should draw in any relationship. We discussed about a woman called Marjorie and how she drew boundaries. Let us discuss ahead-

Marjorie decided that she would not tolerate any lying. That was her decision. She has extra strength because she decided it beforehand, when the matter was still theoretical and not personal and emotional. For someone else, they might have a different boundary for lying, and that’s okay, too. If their partner never lies, then the boundary never comes up, only if it is needed.

But something that is VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE:

She is the one who has decided her limit, and has taken this important matter out of mutual decision. She knows that others, if they are not honest and respectable, will not make a decision in her best interests. In these cases, she won’t let herself be persuaded or manipulated to stay in a relationship that hurts her, because her decision is clear. She knows that for her, she would rather be alone, and would rather give up someone she loves, if they cannot be honest. She knows breaking a relationship with a liar, would in the long run, leave her happier in life. She has taken back her personal power by getting clear on her boundaries, and the consequences of violating them.

Those who draw their own rules and boundaries in arelationship are not hurt as badly as those who do not draw boundaries. If Marjorie does not draw boundaries and is lied by her partner she will think about many options in the relationship and may talk to few friends about what to do. She will operate from weakness. But once she has drawn her boundaries she does not allow anybody to violate them and always remains strong.

3.Why Do You Have A Partner?

From what one reads in forums on relationships
, it seems that most of the relationships manage to give more pain than joy after some time. The rise in divorce rates is an indicator to this. Why have relationship if that will give more pain than pleasure to both the partners? Do not you also ask this question? It is becoming so difficult to keep a healthy relationship that one feels that he/she is coming from one office to another office. Where is the home with freedom, acceptance and love?

Relationships are becoming ego problems. Communication needs to be guarded. Wishes have to be taken care of. Sacrifices have to be made. Individuality has to be killed. Compromises have to be made at every step. Even after making many compromises, the relationship may break. One feels broken after making so much effort and find that nothing was of any use. It seems that either most of us are getting caught up with wrong partners or the break-ups occur very fast.

When I watch children playing, birds flying and fish swimming so carelessly, I envy them. We adults have lost all the freedom because of relationships. Most of us at least have lost a lot that was individual. Why have relationships if they are expected to fail. Is it triumph of hope over reality as someone said? Even when we look around and find so many broken relationships, we tend to form new. After having repeated break-ups, we want more. Why do we do that, though we know that the result is more pain? What drives us to form new relationships? Why not live alone and enjoy the independence?

4.Romantic Feelings

Romance, the eternal subject for most of the poets. Romance, the life giving force. Romance, that changes perceptions and romance makes a dull night a night of poetic thoughts. Romance turns an ordinary flower into a lover’s gift to be preserved forever. Romance produces letters that are saved for generations. Romance makes everything look happy and cheerful.

Romantic feelings change perception. One who had never thought of reading a poetry, begins writing one. That is romance. One who is in romantic love, will have no complaints with the world. Even if the traffic does not move for hours, the romantic lover excuses everyone. That is romance.

Romance changes the way we look at the world. We see only good and every bad thing becomes either good or tolerable for us. Romance makes us magnanimous in thoughts. Romantic feelings make us sit alone and live in our own dreams. We need no one except ourselves to enjoy the thoughts of our romance. We want to be left alone and feel total peace and joy. During romance, every lip smiles, and every eye shines with the light of love.

Romance brings a new God in our life. Our beloved. Some romantics are ready to kiss the place where his/her sweetheart stepped. Romance is to be experienced and not talked about. Romance brings more hormonal changes in body than any medicine and has a definite effect on the heartbeats. They increase at the thought of the beloved. That is romance and to be in romance is to experience the joy of heaven.

There are many emotions and most of us experience all of them except romance. Emotions such as anger, nervousness, sadness and others like these are experienced by all of us. But few experience romance. There is a popular story in India of two romantic lovers. Laila and Majnu. Laila was the princess and Majnu was the son of a washerman. Once, it so happened that Majnu’s father asked him to deliver clothes to the palace. There Majnu happened to see Laila and he fell madly in love with her. Since that day, he forgot everything including food, and was only asking for Laila. Some days passed, and this news that Majnu had gone mad in love with Laila reached the king. The king asked his Prime Minister about what could be done to help Majnu in this distress. The Prime Minister suggested that if Majnu wanted to buy anything from any shop, he could buy it for free. The palace would pay to the shopkeeper.

This news brought in many new Majnus. They bought things and behaved like the original. The palace started getting bills in plenty. The king was more worried now and again consulted his Prime Minister. The suggestion was simple - declare that Majnu will be killed after seven days by the palace. This announcement made all the actors run away for their life. Only the original Majnu was left out. He had no care for his life.

This made king think again and he got Majnu married with Laila. Majnu got Laila because he wanted nothing except her. His own life was worthless for him. What mattered was only Laila. This is romance.

5.Men Also Get Abused By Women

Emotional and physical abuse is believed to be only for women. Men are the abusers and women the victims. Do not women abuse men? Yes they do get abused and mercilessly. A woman can be brutal when it comes to blames and accusations. She can invent many lies and kill the soul of the man with every sentence she speaks. She may not abuse the man physically, but her emotional abuse may be enough to drive a man to lunacy.

I do not know why the abuse is considered to be prerogative of men? Is it because they are considered the stronger sex? What about emotional strength? Some men are very soft and especially when they deal with a woman, they act more softly. The woman wants to abuse the man will have no such compunctions. She can raise her voice, she can use crying, she can corner the man with all her blames because she wants to hurt him. She succeeds because a good man will not retaliate.

There is no help for men who get emotionally abused by women. They do not want to hurt the woman so they keep taking all the abuse. Let me add something here. Women on who their men have greatest faith do most abuse. So when the woman turns a abuser, the first reaction of the man is total disbelief. This surprise continues for a long time, because the man continues foolishly believing that her woman is getting it wrong. She is not abusing him. She cannot do that because she loves him. This thinking process is very dangerous. Evil recognizes no sexual difference. If a man can be evil, so can be a woman.

6.Good Relationships Accelerate Your Growth

A relationship means two people connecting with each other - In profit and in loss, in pleasure and in pain. In a relationship, we know that we have somebody with us. We are not alone. A relationship can be life giving and life changing.

Many times in our life, we want to achieve some goals. We have our dreams and our ideas. We never reveal them to anyone. But if we relate to somebody very well, we will tell about this to that person. If our relationship is good, we will get support and encouragement. Please go ahead. I think you are very intelligent and you can do this. You have the capability. I will be with you at every step.

Sometimes, we fall sick and feel very helpless. A prolonged sickness affects the confidence. Only a relationship supports us at that time. Please have no worry. You will get all right. Everything will be Ok very soon. Please believe me. I am with you at all the times. Words can give life.

I can give many examples like these. A relationship gets us a friend
, a lover and a confident. When we have a partner, we are not alone. We can open ourselves without fear. We can act as we wish and believe that it will be understood. A good relationship is invaluable. Many times some of us never realize our strength. Our partner points that out to us and tells us - darling, you are so good in this. Why not progress further. You will perform fantastically. This can change our outlook and enhance our self-esteem. Please increase the intimacy and make your relationship of the kind that gives life its true joy.

Love Articles 4u -1

Advice For Men

Women are not like men. Many men forget that, when they enter into a romantic relationship. Women look at things differently and their choices are different. Men miss small patterns of behavior many times that can make them a big success with women. In this section, we talk about what men need to know about relationships with women to succeed and what are the common pitfalls that have to be avoided to get the woman of your dreams.

1.Improve Your Relationships

are complex things, but following these basics will help you make your relationships healthy and strong.

When in doubt, listen first and check to see if you have understood the other person by asking them questions. Often relationships go awry when people feel they aren’t being heard or understood and sometimes it’s important just to listen. You have to know what they want, not what you think is good for them. Listening is what helps us to find connection with each other. This also means you need to tell others what you really feel, think, and want. You can’t feel connected if you don’t voice these things.

Communicate simply when it is most critical that they hear you. Get clear in your own mind what kind of outcome you would like and try to state it in the most simple and specific terms. You will more likely be understood the more clear you can be, and often that means fewer words, not more. Sometimes repetition is necessary in getting through to someone what is really important to you.

Always show respect. Respect means listening, accepting a no when you are given one, not taking them for granted, being honest in your dealings with them, and not criticizing often or discouraging them. It is also important that you do not try to control others, and just as important that you show respect to yourself and ask that they treat you the same or be willing to walk away.

Know when it isn’t a healthy relationship. Just because you care about someone doesn’t mean you should be in a relationship with them at this time. They should be good for you, not addicted to anything, not controlling or abusive in any way, and make you feel secure and happy. It is not possible to make a relationship work with someone who doesn’t care about you, or who abuses a substance or you, so don’t try.

Seek to be good for others and don’t tear them down. People like to be with those who make them feel good and who are good for them. Lighten up and have fun together and your relationship will grow.

2.Why Do Men Batter Women?

In this century when we all talk of exploring mars and reaching help to the deep corners of Africa, is it not only surprising and also shameful that some men batter their wives? Whatever we say, we cannot deny that women are getting battered. A syndrome has also been names after this - Battered Women syndrome. Why should men beat women? Let us look at this barbarism.

Frustration must be one of the reasons. Do men enjoy taking out their frustration of career failures and problems on women? Or they are sadists? If they do not like their woman, they should separate. How can they be allowed to beat women? That is reprehensible and barbaric. How can an educated man beat a woman? What drives him to do that? Is their any profile of such men who do this?

What if the woman is not meek and retaliates. There will be bloodshed. Why a beautiful relationship reaches such depths is beyond my imagination and thinking. How society allows this. Why such men are not boycotted from the society? What is the problem with such men that they batter their woman?

As men, we are protectors of women and not supposed to beat them. Why do we men do it? In a survey in India, it was found that a majority of men who beat women come from highly educated class. This is more shocking. These men keep a mask of good behavior in society and beat the woman in the confines of their home. Please let all men decide that come what may, they will never ever batter their woman. That is inhuman

3.What Women Search In Men?

Honestly speaking, no body can give an answer to this quiz. Every woman has different personality, goals, desires and mood. Some generalizations can be made that can help men know what women want.

Quiz your romantic style - I think that the priority for any relationship with a woman in the beginning is romance. Without becoming romantic, you cannot win a pretty and intelligent woman. You need not be a great poet of love poems, but surely you can write small love notes and send them with flowers once in a while. Show her that you love her. Say I love you in different ways. Send chocolates, small pieces of gift and things that look cute. Let her feel in love with those cute gifts you give. She will love you more.

Quiz your attitude - what is your attitude towards your woman/ Are you treating her as a person without brains? Then better revise your fundamentals. Do you treat her as an equal? Then it is all right. Are you together when you meet your friends? If not, please go together to meet your friends. Treat her as a friend and as a romantic partner and a lady. That is the combination that will win her over.

Quiz your relationship- how is your relationship? Are you nurturing it with proper communication, care and love? Do you show your care for your woman? Does she have to ask you or you act on your own guessing her requirements? Have you told her how precious she is for you? Do you understand what she is talking? Please remember that women talk little differently than men. Do you understand that difference? Generally when a woman speaks, she is doing self-talk loudly. Please understand that.

4.How To Win Women?

Every man has a woman of his dreams. He wants to win over her. He thinks about her and gets no peace till he wins over her. The woman may not be responding to him? He may be getting mixed signals from her/ he may not be sure about how to approach her? He is doubtful if she is already in love with somebody else. What should he do?

Quiz your determination and ability to win over the woman of your dreams. So what if she is in love with somebody else? So what if she is giving mixed signals? So what if you are unsure about her feelings towards you? Your objective is to win her over to love you like mad. Am I right. Why not try all your best rather than rationalizing the defeat? It said that where there is a will, there is a way? Let us discuss about the ways so you can win over your woman of dreams.

The first requirement to win over your woman is - let her think of winning you. Yes, you are getting me right. Why not make yourself so desirable that she wants you rather than the other way? How to make yourself irresistible? We will discuss this in this series.

What are the ingredients that make a dish irresistible? Look at any recipe book. You will find that there is a definite proportion of all the ingredients that make a dish irresistible. Why not find out about these ingredients and make yourself irresistible? Let us first write down the ingredients. They are- confidence, charisma, personality, intelligence, sense of humor, expertise in communication and romance. We will discuss these one after another. Before concluding, let me repeat. You want to win over the woman of your dreams and you will try your best to win her over despite all the obstacles and opposition. You will create another fairy tale story. You will not surrender meekly, but fight your way out to take away the woman of your dreams from others.